The Style Expert’s Methodology To To Dress Sharp As Sh*t Every Day...

Especially if you know NOTHING about style.

Why Should You Join?

  • ​Land your dream job, one that pays you 5X what you're currently earning
  • Walk into a room and OWN it... even if you’re an introvert
  • Discover and project your message to the world, so it’s clear who you are and what you stand for
  • Date women out of your league

Internet's most comprehensive course for men on

presentation, body language, image, and style.

Featured in

Why are some men 10X, 20X, even 100X more successful than others?

Can I be brutally honest here for a second?

It's NOT an Ivy League education (Richard Branson dropped out of school at 15 and is worth $5 Billion dollars)...

It's NOT time (We all have the same 24 hours in a day)...

It's NOT because of their "ripped physiques bro" (Last time we checked, recording artist CeeLo Green, worth $22 million, didn't have a 6-pack)...

What do they know that you don't?

How did they figure it out?

Let’s be honest.... this is the crap you deal with:

  • Everyone around you dresses like crap….so if you up your style game you’re going to be made fun of!
  • ​​You’re turned down when you ask women out. In fact you overhear one of them calling you the “fall-back” option.
  • ​​When you dress-up you feel like a clown. You don’t know the difference between a suit & sports jacket, bow-tie & necktie, and why the hell does style matter?
  • ​​You want to improve your image, but where to start? WAY too much info out there and half that shit contradicts itself.
  • ​​You don’t want to waste money on crap clothing you’ll never wear.
  • ​​You tried to dress stylish and were made fun of by everyone in the office. Even your girl asked what’s up with the costume.
  • ​​You HATE walk into a store and you don't have a clue...Which aisle? Which color? Pants? Shoes? Jackets? GAHHHH...Just Forget it!
  • ​​You’re skinny…..and your style makes you look like a twig.
  • ​​You're overweight....and your clothing makes you look even fatter!
  • ​​You’re 5’4”....and your clothing makes you look like 4’5”!
  • ​​You spend 8 hours shopping and buy NOTHING because you can’t find clothing you like...OR you don't even know WHAT you're supposed to like!!
  • ​​You’re 6’6” and need to dress like a wealth manager, not an NBA draft pick.
  • ​​Everyone questions your decisions DESPITE the fact you’re right (and the boss!)
  • ​​You feel you’ll never attract a beautiful woman. They’re out of your league.
  • ​​You dressed up once...but felt like an imposter. This isn’t “you”...
  • ​​You’ve lost your MOJO, your inner fire, your edge. What happened?

What if there was a PROVEN system that could help you:

  • Land your dream job, one that pays you 5X what you're currently earning
  • Walk into a room and OWN it...even if you’re an introvert
  • ​Discover and project your message to the world, so it’s clear who you are and what you stand for
  • ​Dress like the MAN you know yourself to you’re respected IMMEDIATELY in ANY room you walk into (whether it’s the boardroom or the bedroom)
  • ​ Start your morning off in PEAK state rather than stress for an hour about what you’re going to wear
  • ​ Discover how to signal strength, status, and authority so people see you as THE MAN
  • ​ Date women out of your league

Well - you don't have to wonder... we BUILT IT!

The Style System is our ULTIMATE masterclass that leverages the "Science of Style"...

We give you a blueprint to use our proven principles...instantly! Before we go any further...I can tell you may be skeptical.

Here's what this course IS NOT:

  • ​Weird “tricks” or “fashion hacks”
  • ​ “Trend chasing”
  • ​ Playing dress up for dress up's sake
  • ​ A scammy “law of attraction” course that just tells you to focus harder

Here's what this course IS:

  • PROVEN scientific research behind getting people to trust you INSTANTLY based on your style & body language (YES - I have the research)
  • ​A step-by-step guide on how to build a wardrobe that puts your style on auto-pilot (We have life-changing systems that we help you implement).
  • ​Proven methods that trigger people to respect you instantly...which leads to closing more sales (Seriously - our research shows you can earn over $232,000 more on AVERAGE over your lifetime just by implementing these principles)
  • ​​A blueprint to constructing a wardrobe to projects competence & authority

In other words, we help you re-invent yourself...

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. "

- Charles Darwin

The Style System helps re-brand YOU...because what you're doing now obviously isn't working...(I know that because you're reading this)...

So what's the simple solution?

Info ---> Action ---> Measure ---> Adjust ---> REPEAT

OK - that's EASY...

Well YES & no...

“Everything in war is very simple. But the simplest thing is difficult.”

- Carl Von Clausewitz

Let’s go over the Action Feedback Loop again?

Info ---> Action ---> Measure ---> Adjust ---> REPEAT

What you need to WIN!

  • ​​Right Info at Right Time
  • ​Precise & Consistent Action
  • ​ Know What To Measure & How To Measure
  • ​ What & When To Adjust

So you may be I get it...

...but what is this "Science" and "proven research" you're talkin' about?

Well - here are a few...

5 Scientific Strategies That Reveal The Game Being Played Around You

1. Men who are seen as dominant, high status & influential get more money and women.

“Dominance -> High status -> Influence = Rewards + Evaluations. [Dominant] men received higher rewards, and more positive ratings.”

Aysan Sev’er (1991). Women, Men, and Dominance in Small Groups: A Social Roles Assessment. The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie. Vol. 16, No. 3 (Summer, 1991), pp. 265-280

2. Attractive men make $2,600 more per year for every extra 'point' of attractiveness.

“By 1983, men were found to earn $2600 more [per year] on the average for each unit of attractiveness”

Frieze, I. H., Olson, J. E. and Russell, J. (1991), Attractiveness and Income for Men and Women in Management. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21: 1039–1057. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.1991.tb00458.x

3. Women choose high status dominant men for casual sex and relationships.

“When women choose partners, non-physical characteristics such as ambition, status, and dominance establish a pool of partners who are potentially acceptable for sexual relations and higher-investment relationships.”

Townsend, M., Wasserman, T. (May 1998). Evolution & Human Behavior, Volume 19, Issue 3 , Pages 171-191.

4. Powerful men are sexy to women and influence other men.

“Powerful people are more likely to be seen as sexy by others than are persons without power…the interpersonal power of men makes them sexy, both to men and to women.”

John Levi Martin (2005). Is Power Sexy? American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 111, No. 2 (September 2005), pp. 408-446. Published by: The University of Chicago Press.

5. A man's attractiveness is based on what he owns and wears.

“Men’s assessments of sexual attractiveness are determined more by objectively assess-able physical attributes”

Townsend, J. et al. (June 1997). The Perception of Sexual Attractiveness: Sex Differences in Variability. Archives of Sexual Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp 243-268

The science is in!

Power is sexy, period.

Lemme ask you:

How would more respect from other men change...

- Every conversation you have?

- Every job interview you walk into?

- Every business deal you make?

- Every woman overhearing your name at a party because other men mention how great you are?

That’s power. That’s influence. That’s having options…EVERYWHERE.

“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.”

– That Darwin dude again.

Okay - so who the heck am I? And what qualifies me to teach this stuff?

Hey, I'm Antonio Centeno.

Type my name into Google and you'll find a few things like:

  • Founder of Real Men Real Style
  • Over 3,000 articles & infographics
  • Best-selling book “Dress Like A Man”
  • Over 476,000,000 views on YouTube
  • 3.6 million YouTube subscribers
  • Former Marine Officer
  • Father (5 kids) & Husband

I have an MBA Degree from UT Austin, & a BBA Cornell College.

Before this, I owned a custom clothier where I designed and built thousands of wardrobes from scratch.

I've directly mentored over 2,000 men to transform their image so they can get what they want out of life.


Years of experience in tailoring, training and coaching


Articles and infographics on men's style


YouTube channel subscribers


Social media followers

Let's have a quick look what's inside the course

Testimonials from men I've helped

After my divorce, the principles I learned from Real Men Real Style helped me pick up the pieces, get my life back together, and become a brand new man.

I'm still overweight and bald, but I love how I look!

Lee N.

Mr Centeno has a knack for style advice made for a man who has good basic knowledge and helps to fine tune the way I want to present myself.

At the same time for the guy who is just breaking into dressing better than the average schmoe can easily make sense of the advice and put the knowledge to good use.

K. Leach

I have dressed down for most of my life assuming dressing up meant not being comfortable.

Thank you Antonio... I already see a change in how people react to me both in business and in my personal life now that I am dressing like a real man! Thanks.

Mike M.

And FYI - if you’re not happy with the product we’ll buy it back from you!

Ok Ok Ok...

If you’re STILL reading...chances are you just want to know how much it is.

Just get to the PRICE ANTONIO...GEEZ!


If you’ve ever struggled with style you’ve probably spent thousands on clothing in your lifetime...So it’s probably costing you more than you care to spend to do this on your own.

And FYI - if you were to hire me 1-on-1 to coach you, I charge $1,000 per hour for my time.

Assuming it would take me around 10 days (at an hour a day - being modest) to cover everything this course has...

It would cost you around $10,000 - $20,000 for me to help you personally.

The value of everything in this course without me coaching is easily worth $3,000... it's literally everything I've learned over 10 years of being in this industry

Click the button below to discover the INSANE price we're offering this for!

HOWEVER - If you’re not going to take action on the information in this course I will go ahead and tell you NOT to buy it.

Information alone doesn’t transform you…

If knowledge was power, librarians would rule the world.

But knowledge acted upon at the right time = RESULTS!

So, if you’re ready to finally become the man you know yourself to be, but need a the button below!

And HURRY - the price won't be this low forever

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s your return policy?

We're confident you'll love The Style System but we understand that sometimes things don't work out.

All we ask is that you give it a fair shot by completing and submitting all the written questions at the end of each module. It's this level of participation that helps cement your knowledge and spark real change.

If you find The Style System is not the right fit for you after you've fully engaged with the course content, just let us know within 30 days of signing up and we'll gladly buy it back from you.

How many men have succeeded with your training?

Thousands of men have made positive changes in their life with my information & training - just take a look at all of the testimonials I’ve received.

Why do I need to buy today?

Because not taking action is choosing to do nothing. Let’s face it - if you don’t take action now you won’t take action tomorrow, next week, or a year from now. I WANT to help you be a success, and so I offer a quick action discount to motivate you and overcome hesitation.

I need to think about this - can I lock in the price?

This program is for action takers and people who want change, now. Our price is a one-time offer and won’t be repeated.

What if I’m just lazy and unmotivated?

Then you’ve got bigger problems than style my friend.

I’m just not an attractive person, will this help me?

ABSOLUTELY! Attraction is so much more than physical looks you’re born with. The Style System helps men become more attractive through mastery of things you can control such as clothing, mannerisms, and body language.

I barely have time now to get things much time will this course take?

This is a “go at your own pace” course. You have lifetime access to it. I encourage you to set aside 4 hours per week for 5 weeks, or 45 minutes per day to complete assignments. I’ve seen guys have success giving it 15 minutes a day, and others complete everything in 1 week. It really depends on you.

I’m in high school - is this course right for me?

YES. If you’re graduating soon and looking to get a job or an internship this course will be an excellent foundation.

Why is it so expensive?

“Expensive” is relative. The principles we teach help you make more money ($232,000 on average). So it’s an investment that pays you a 200X return. Not bad!

Do you guarantee success?

If you take action on the principles we teach...yes you will have success. But I’m not your daddy here, I can’t force you to act on anything if you don’t want to.

I’m a woman, can I take this course?

While most of our content is geared towards men’s style - there are principles in here that can benefit women too! In fact, about 8% of my audience are women who want a scientific approach to style. knowing what style principles make men successful will help a woman succeed as well.

Are you a scam?

No scams here. Just Google us. We’ve been doing this type of work for over a decade with a high level of professionalism and attention to detail. Antonio has 1000+ video on YouTube that have reached almost 200 million men and has interviewed with 100+ media outlets. If you’re still skeptical, consider seeing a doctor.

What if I fall behind?

The course can be completed at your own pace, so the only “falling” you’ll be doing is falling in love with the program!

I’m not in the US, can I still buy this?

Absolutely - approximately 40% of our satisfied customer live outside the USA. Some of the brand recommendations may not be in your country but the principles are universal.

I’m a lawyer/ consultant/ IT manager. Is this course for me?

Definitely! Most of our satisfied customers are professional men who have 10 years of experience and advanced degrees.

Will the information in this course be “out-of-date or out-of-fashion” within a year?

No! This is all timeless information. We also update the Style System every month with new information as science progresses meaning we always have the latest research.

I’m in college - is this course right for me?

YES The Style System is perfect for college men who will be moving into the workforce or starting their own business.

Why is this so cheap?

Good question! Because I want to make it available to any man who is willing to invest in himself.

Will my membership expire?

No, you have lifetime access to this course.

Join The Style System Now:


MARCH 2025 DEAL: $295

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

We're confident you'll love The Style System but we understand that sometimes things don't work out.

All we ask is that you give it a fair shot by completing and submitting all the written questions at the end of each module. It's this level of participation that helps cement your knowledge and spark real change.

If you find The Style System is not the right fit for you after you've fully engaged with the course content, just let us know within 30 days of signing up and we'll gladly buy it back from you.

Real Men Real Style | Copyright ©2013 - 2025 | All Rights Reserved

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